
Rosalynn van Hummel

Rosalynn van Hummel (1993) lives and works in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Where she was educated at the HKU in Fine Arts. Her work focuses on the female body, to capture and portray its beauty and inner strength. This power and beauty are often misrepresented in the media and our vast art history, mostly made by and seen by the male gaze. She makes her works from the female gaze, depicting female pleasure and the naked body. Especially the intimate parts of the body, which derive the most duality. 
In recent work she delves into the connection between the feminine and water, exploring the concepts of Hydrofeminism and Ecofeminism. Her paintings therefore contain interesting combinations of naked bodies and fish. By using these images, she aims to convey the sense of mystery and power that is often associated with the ocean and tries to connect it with the female body and its sexual strength.

Rosalynn will be exhibiting her paintings at RA Team, alongside Ned Ashcroft.

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Rosalynn van Hummel was part of the following editions: